In the upcoming week, we will begin talking about assessments in class; something I have been looking forward to addressing. As I continue to work on developing my unit plans for students teaching and writing lessons, I find my self really struggling to come up with ways that are meaningful to assess the learning that has taken place. I find my self always resorting back to the thought of quizzes and unit exams. But if I am challenging myself to teach in more creative ways than just PowerPoint and class lecture, I also need to challenge myself to assess my students' learning in non-traditional ways as well.
I look forward to growing my bank of assessments over the next few class sessions. As I continue to read material and dig deeper into the resources we have been given, I am finding assessments I look forward to using; things like evaluating portfolios, projects, presentations, etc.
One of the resources that excited me the most while doing some researching was actually this video that discussed creating effective rubrics. The best part about it though was that it discussed rubrics for evaluating the 4 C's of 21st Century Learning. We talked about those C's! Talk about cognitive connect. I love it when a plan comes together so it was fun to see this type of learning being taken from presentation of material all the way through to assessment.